Posted on June 25 2018

Loops is a small family-owned business in North Dakota! It is created by the things that inspire us in our daily lives including our dogs, horses, children and our summer days (which are few and far between here:)
Each product is tested by us before we place them on our webpage. We love to create new designs and new items!
This is our family! Meet Kaley and Mike and their 3 children (Kia, 17- Keiryn, 7- Kelton, 2) and David, our foreign exchange student from Ecuador! We are a busy family with our business and children but still find time to relax at the lakes during the summer. Stay tuned to see what Loops and the Haugens are up to on our blog!
Each product is tested by us before we place them on our webpage. We love to create new designs and new items!
This is our family! Meet Kaley and Mike and their 3 children (Kia, 17- Keiryn, 7- Kelton, 2) and David, our foreign exchange student from Ecuador! We are a busy family with our business and children but still find time to relax at the lakes during the summer. Stay tuned to see what Loops and the Haugens are up to on our blog!